
The community


None of all this would even be possible without our volunteers year after year. In order for Butchers Classics to run smooth, we need help from the CrossFit community.

We need help in many different aspects of the competition. Judging the athletes on the floor, helping with the equipment behind the scenes or other practical things going on throughout the entire weekend of the competition.

Please contact us below if you are interested in being a volunteer.

We will make sure you will be dressed for the occasion and that you will be fully fed with food, drinks and snacks while you are helping us out.


Become a Volunteer

FREE Workshop for volunteers

We will be hosting a workshop for volunteers wanting to learn more about being a judge at our competitions.

Fredric Gyllensten,(Head Judge) will go through standards and we will have athletes testing you so you can be ready for the real stage when the competition goes down.

Contact us below to sign up

Contact us.


Staldgade 22, Meat Packing District
1699 Copenhagen V